Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cedar Park Locksmith – When to Replace Locks

There are so many options when it comes to locks – garage locks, front door locks, keyless locks, patio locks and so on. Finding the perfect lock for your doors or windows can prove to be a challenge, especially when you factor in all of the different brands out there creating these products. For reasons like this, it is a good idea to reach out to a locksmith for help.

When to Replace a Lock: Is It Time?

Locks don’t necessarily come with expiration dates, but this doesn’t mean it will last forever. Nor can you expect it to! Think about how harsh weather patterns or even just normal wear and tear will impact a lock over time. At some point in time, you may have to replace the locks at your property. So, how do you know when it’s time? We are going to discuss some things to look for which will indicate that you might be due for a lock change. Note: there are more things than just damage or old age that will warrant a lock change, and we will also discuss those things here.
  • Dents and damage
Locks can get damaged over time, whether it is because someone attempted to break your lock, or the lock was just mishandled.
  • Corrosion
Corrosion indicates to you that the metal is weakening. So what happens if the metal becomes too weak? It’s easier to break, and we know you don’t want that to happen. 
If you notice any rust or corrosion on your locks, it is a good idea to talk with a locksmith to see what they recommend. It doesn’t mean that your lock is forever ruined, but it warrants attention. 

Other Reasons for a Lock Change

As mentioned, old age, wear and tear and corrosion aren’t the only factors that will warrant a lock change. Here are some other things to consider.
  • Change your locks if you moved
Even if you move into a brand new house, you might want to think about buying new locks for the windows and doors. How many contractors and realtors had access to your property? How many people are still walking around with a key? Yes, you might think that you can trust them, but imagine this scenario: a contractor was doing some work on the house. He was installing blinds. Someone forgot to get the key back from them. Now, this man might be a completely trustworthy person. But what if someone snatched the key from him and made a copy? What if something else went wrong? Change those locks!

To read more: When to Replace Locks